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Cristina Lara

Cristina Lara '14, who graduated from the ILR School with minors in education and Latino studies, is responsible for designing and managing diversity programs for the 700-member Hillary for America campaign workforce. Photo: provided.

ILR alumna manages Hillary Clinton's campaign diversity programs

When Hillary Clinton announced she was running for president, Cristina Lara '14 knew she wanted to be part of the campaign.

Cristina Lara with Elizabeth Warren

Lara, right, with U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren when Warren stopped by campaign headquarters this past June. Photo: provided.

"I emailed a bunch of people on the campaign with my resume," she says. "Nothing came of it at the time."

But in April Lara was offered the diversity manager position by the Hillary for America campaign.

The unexpected offer was an opportunity to work in human resources in politics -- a major departure from the tech scene she had worked in since graduation.

Lara left her job as global intern program manager at Cisco in Raleigh, North Carolina, to work at Clinton campaign headquarters, two floors of a Brooklyn office building. A couple of hammocks offer respite for staff working into the night.

"It's nonstop work," Lara says, laughing. "Our office feels like a second home. I have a little fridge by my desk. I eat all my meals here, for better or for worse."

Lara, who graduated from the ILR School with minors in education and Latino studies, is responsible for designing and managing diversity programs for the 700-member campaign workforce.

"We're on a mission to ensure that our organizational makeup reflects the communities we're fighting for," Lara says. "That's very important to our campaign."

She continues: "It's not only a moral imperative to focus on diversity, but it's a strategic business imperative, too. Research tells us, time and time again, that diversity and inclusion breeds innovation and helps teams make better decisions."

She credits ILR faculty member Lee Adler, senior extension associate specializing in labor and unions, for mentoring her. "Professor Adler and I have had long and fruitful conversations about my career goals, particularly about how I can use my life to be of service to others," Lara says.

As she spearheads the campaign's 50-state diversity and inclusion operation, Lara says she is looking for ways to give back to her alma mater. Lara, who arranged for Breanna Ross '17 and Katie Lim '17 to join the campaign's internship program, invites Cornellians to visit her at campaign headquarters.

"See this live," she offers. "See history in the making."

Tracy Kinne is a freelance writer for the ILR School.

Cristina Lara and Breanna Ross

Lara, right, with Breanna Ross '17 at campaign headquarters. Lara arranged for Ross and Katie Lim '17 to join the campaign's internship program. Photo: provided.

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