You can make it happen: Spring 2015
Set sail!
Students sail on Cayuga Lake. See larger image
Name a sailboat (one of 16) in the fleet of Cornell's newest and 37th varsity sport, women's sailing. (Can you top the only boat named so far, Unique II?) $10,000
Support real dialogue
Take Thomas Jones '69 up on his challenge to encourage more open and meaningful student dialogue across differences. He will provide a 1:1 match if alumni and friends give $100,000 in the next three years to fund an associate director for the Perkins Prize-winning Intergroup Dialogue Project. This will allow more students to participate in the series of 4-credit courses in which students meet in small groups to develop skills for interacting effectively across racial, class, sexuality, socio-economic and gender differences. Gifts of all amounts welcome.
Help military veterans transition to civilian work
Sponsor a 12-month, one-on-one mentoring program for veterans with disabilities, run in collaboration with the U.S. Business Leadership Network, the Employment and Disability Institute and the ILR School. Fund one participant: $2,500
Plant a living legacy: a tree
Trees on Libe Slope. See larger image
With the intersection of Tower Road and Garden Avenue under construction this summer, five oak trees will need to be replaced. Each native tree (15 feet tall): $5,000, or $25,000 for all five.
Boost to CALS students
Last year, in competitive grants that ranged from $200 to $1,200, 43 undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences were given the little boost they needed to do big things. They used grants from the CALS Alumni Association Academic Enrichment Program, totaling nearly $18,000 and administered by alumni and staff, primarily to travel to summer research opportunities, including in animal behavior, communication and plant science. Make a gift of any size.
Emeriti but not forgotten
The Cornell Association of Professors Emeriti holds lectures, records oral history videos from the professors, preserves faculty papers in the archives, holds regular meetings to foster community, produces a newsletter and more. Fund a year of travel: $1,000. Fund video formatting and archiving: $7,500. Install an assisted hearing device system: $7,000. Or make a gift of any size to support the General Membership Fund.
To make a gift, or for more information about these and other giving opportunities, email